Cheerleader Ninjas

Cheerleader Ninjas is a 2002 campaction film directed by Kevin Campbell, starring actress Kira Reed, and from production company Control Track Productions. It predates the similarlynamed George Takei comedic vehicle Ninja Cheerleaders. In the film, the internet must be rescued from the control of a religious fanaticism group by four cheerleader ninjutsu students and their geek allies. The movie was filmed at Englewood High School.

In the other side, Mr. X, an evil mastermind is using the cheerleaders as guinea pigs to test his Internet Zombie Domination software. So the cheerleaders turn to their arch social enemies, the computer geeks, to help them learn Ninja abilities and defeat the evil Catholic Girls, Stephen and the mysterious Mr. X.Film Threat gave the film four stars, stating that the performances were quite good, especially for the subject matter were dealing with. The encyclopedia of underground movies found it more gory than funny. ........

Source: Wikipedia